RKL provides advice on the following animal law issues:
- Laws concerning animal cruelty
- Requirements and responsibilities of pet ownership
- Complaints about animals in the community
- Dangerous and restricted dogs
- Injuries caused by animals
- Injured animals
Published in Animal Law on 15th Feb 2015
Council Prosecution Nuisance caused by a barking dog can be a public hazard, and your local Council is empowered by the Domestic Animals Act 1994 ("the DAA") and the Public Health and Wellbeing Act 2008 ("the PHWA") to investigate complaints of barking dogs and, in cases where there is a nuisance, fine the offending neighbour or bring criminal charges that can carry heavy penalties. After conducting their investigation into a complaint, the Council will determine if there is a nuisance and decide if it is appropriate to issue an infringement notice under section 85 of the DAA. In more serious cases, the Council may bring criminal charges in the Magistrates Court against the owner of the...
Read More »Published in Animal Law on 31st Aug 2011
Well, you may ask, what legal protection is afforded to animals in Victoria? How can we protect, for example, our much loved canine companions? Dogs are, as with any other domestic animal, entitled to live a comfortable life, free from abuse. Pursuant to the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1986 (“the Act”) it is an offence to allow your animal to experience unreasonable pain or suffering or to fail to meet their daily needs, for example access to proper and sufficient food and water, veterinary treatment and shelter. All dog owners should be aware of the specific health, diet and exercise requirements of their particular breed of dog, so that their dog’s needs are met. The Cod...
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