"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" - Confucius

Australia enjoys one of the highest standards of living in the world, with an abundance of opportunities and freedoms enjoyed by its eighteen million existing citizens. The culture and lifestyle of this country makes it a much sought after migration destination for people from all over the world.

The laws and processes surrounding migration are complex and require careful consideration and a depth of understanding. Zelma Rudstein, partner of Rudstein Kron Lawyers, has thorough knowledge of the latest visa and migration laws and regulations, and can expertly guide you through the process from beginning to end, including providing detailed advice, preparing application forms, supporting documents and submissions and lodging applications. She has been helping people to achieve their goal of living permanently in Australia since 1993.

Zelma is a qualified practising lawyer and a registered Migration Agent (MARN 9301002). She adheres to the Migration Agents Registration Authority's Code of Conduct, a copy of which can be found at https://www.mara.gov.au/Site-Layout/Code-of-Conduct/default.aspx.

As a lawyer, Zelma is also able to assist people with migration appeals, including those in the Migration Review Tribunal and Federal Courts.

Migration visa categories

The Australian Government currently has several visa categories for people wanting to come to Australia permanently:

  • Business People – A permanent visa option for business people who came to Australia on a provisional visa and, while in Australia, established, managed or developed a new or existing business. A direct permanent residence visa is also available for high-calibre business people.
  • Skilled Workers - There are a number of permanent visa options available for people who want to migrate permanently to Australia and who have the required skills and qualifications.
  • Family Members - There are a number of permanent migration visa options for fiancés, partners, children, parents and other family members of Australian citizens, Australian permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens.
  • Refugee and Humanitarian Entrants– A permanent visa designed specifically for refugees and others in special humanitarian need.
    • Offshore resettlement: visa designed to assist people in humanitarian need overseas for whom resettlement in another country is the only viable option.
    • Onshore protection: visa for people already in Australia who arrived on temporary visas or in an unauthorised manner, and who claim Australia’s protection.

Conditions in Australia

If you want to migrate, you should also research topics such as living costs in Australia, employment conditions, availability of social security and medical costs. If you would like more information, Zelma can point you in the direction of reliable sources of information well before initiation of the migration process.


There are significant costs associated with migration. Having an efficient and dedicated Migration Agent will help ensure your application has the best chance of success the first time round, so as to avoid costly appeals. For some classes of visas, you unable to make another application for a number of years if your first application is refused.

Some fixed costs associated with migration include medical examinations for each family member, police clearances/penal certificates, and certified translations of documents which are not in English. Please also remember that travel and re-location costs are likely to be significant.

The costs we charge for migration applications and advice are competitive and in most cases are fixed, so that you can have certainty and are able to budget. We provide all clients with detailed disclosure of costs prior to commencing work.

Required documentation

The required documentation to initiate the migration process is located on the Australian Government Department of Immigration and Citizenship website (http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/application-forms/)

Languages other than English

If you wish to make an appointment with us and English is not your preferred language, please let us know so we can accommodate you. Several of our people are fluent in languages other than English. Zelma is an accredited NAATI translator in Russian.

If we are not able to speak your preferred language, interpreters can be arranged.

If you are unsure of your eligibility to apply, which migration option you are best suited for, or how to prepare your application, please call Zelma.